Website Redesign

Florian Schreiter - Lichtdesigner

New HomePage Picture for Florian SchreiterMockup of an iPad iPad shape picture

About the project


Florian is a international Lighting Designer working since years for New York Fashion Week or Red Bull's X-Fighters. Through the Corona pandemic, he understood that he should work more on his online presence and marketing to attract new clients. The first thing to be done was to overhaul its 15-year-old website.

My Role

  • UX / UI Designer
  • Web Designer using Webflow


  • Figma
  • Usability Hub
  • Webflow
  • Pen & Paper

Solution - How

  • Analyze the work processes based on the information of the interviews with Florian and 3 of his customers
  • Market and competition analysis via Internet Research
  • Personas, Task-Analysis, Sketching wireframes, Prototyping and Usability Testing, Preference Testing
  • Developing website using Webflow

Solution - Why

  • Thanks to the interviews, I was able to understand which information is important for the customers and Florian at which point in the work process. This has resulted in the necessary content for the page.
  • My initial hypothesis that mapping these processes on the website in the form of a diagram was not confirmed. The clearly defined processes seemed rather inflexible and therefore obstructive to customers and Florian. Customers rather wanted the service description offered by Florian.
  • The market for experienced and capable lighting designers is there. Especially people who have an international network to the service providers are in demand. Lighting designers who can judge and foresee the quality of the required material and the executing personnel are of enormous importance to ensure smooth work processes and high-quality and punctual delivery of the result. Florian possesses these qualities. The presentation of these in Florian's values and in "why work with me" is decisive for customers.
  • Florian is big in the business but he can't and doesn't want to hire a whole agency for UX, UI, Developing. This is the situation for many small and medium-sized entrepreneurs who want everything from a single source. Webflow is a tool that gives me a necessary flexibility, beyond the known building systems, to build a useful and beautiful site for Florian without having to program.


Florian Schreiter Webpage

First Impression

Previously, the first thing you saw on the page was a carousel with pictures of projects. Beautiful but you don't immediately understand what it's about.

These were replaced by 3 representative static project pictures and placed next to each other. In addition, the headings help visitors and Google to understand in which areas his services are offered.
Clients Reviews for Florian Schreiter

Client Satisfaction

Florian's page lacked the opinion of people who have already worked with him. This kind of social proof is enormously important, especially for new customers; to have an insight and to build trust. Customer opinions were included right on the first page.
Trusted Customer of Florian Schreiter

Well Known Customers

As we know, visitors scan a page (rather than inspect it) to find information that is important to them. Well-known and impressive customers of Florian could be found only after 3 more clicks. They had to be on the first page, of course.
Services of Florian Schreiter

Clearly Defined Services

Thanks to the interviews with Florian and his clients, it has emerged that Florian's requested service is essentially determined by 3 categories: Consulting, Conception, Design; which are requested individually or together.

A quick understanding of what Florian offers was so important to customers that it obviously a) had to be clearly defined and b) also had to be on the first page.
About Florian Schreiter

Who is Florian

Florian's personal characteristics were hidden behind the "Info" tab. This was not clearly discoverable by the visitor. The text underneath had rather philosophical character about the light art.

The interviewed clients told that, besides the presentable successes, they would like to know specifically: with whom and why should they work with.
Values of Florian Schreiter

Florian's Values

In addition, the description gave little indication of what personality the customer would engage with Florian. After all, Florian is supposed to be responsible for the lighting for shows with sometimes thousands of visitors.

The recording of Florian's values supports the overall picture and creates more trust.
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